Megan and I recently took a trip to Kentucky to visit the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. We wanted to go and visit during Christmas time to see all the lights. If you have never visited; we highly recommend a visit to each of them. It was a wonderful experience that brought the Bible to life in many unique ways. We also learned about Answers.TV. Answers.TV has a lot of great content to equip one to defend the gospel of Jesus Christ with the truth of God’s Word through live and on-demand video content from Answers in Genesis, the Ark Encounter, Creation Museum, and other Ministries worldwide. Answers.TV also makes a great gift. We hope to go back in late spring or early summer to see the gardens blooming.

As we were driving home, my mind was wandering all over the place. Sorry, but this post may wander a bit like my mind did. Many of the exhibits and shows we watched demonstrated how God created everything. They mentioned those that believe in evolution, gap theory, and other ideas not supported by the Bible. As I drove, I became saddened at the thought that many of those so-called intellectuals, may never come to know Christ.
Then my mind jumped back to college where-in one of my education classes the professor talked about his belief in the 10-80-10 rule. He explained that ten percent of the population are exceptionally brilliant, eighty percent are average, and ten percent are what he referred to as special needs or low IQ. He believed that students should be taught in these groups and that to do otherwise was a disservice to students and teachers. You may be wondering why my mind jumped to that lecture, I believe it may be because of how sad I was feeling for those intellectuals. I think that the professor was talking about intellectuals when he mentioned the top ten percent. From what I have read and the few intellectuals I have met, they seem to have no place for God in their thinking and many think of those that do believe in God as imbeciles.
Then I thought about those that I have met that this professor would have considered to be the bottom ten percent. Have you ever been around someone with Down’s Syndrome or a child with special needs? I will have to say my experience is limited, but the ones that I have known are the sweetest and kindest individuals I have ever encountered. I smiled as I thought of how God must have put people like this on earth to show the rest of us what true love and compassion looks like. They may not be intellectuals in the academic sense; but in my opinion, they rate off the chart in the way we should love one another. I would even think that in God’s eyes they are the top ten percent.
Then there are those that the professor referred to as average. When he was explaining his 10-80-10 philosophy, I thought whelp, I must be in that 80% group. O, the arrogant mind of my youth. As I continued to drive, I was thinking I may be at the bottom of that group if not in the bottom ten percent as I was contemplating how wisdom should be added to his formula; because as I’ve aged, I have learned I really do not know much of anything. I truly am ignorant of plenty.
As I drove some more, I thought of Matthew 19:24, where Jesus said, “And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Could the same be said for the intellectuals of this world? Do they think they are so smart and that those that believe in the Bible are so dumb that there is almost no hope they will ever come to Jesus? I have spent much of my life trying to make the world’s ideas I was taught align with or fit into the Bible. I learned a lot in college that directly conflicted with the Bible. I think it is even worse today as colleges are teaching that there are over 70+ genders. Sorry, apparently there are now 112 genders for 2020 and that list excludes male and female. I guess those are now not even considered a choice?
Anyway back to my college experience; in reference to the Bible, I would think that can not be true, they got that wrong, they must have added that later, what about the dinosaurs, or that can’t be what they meant. I think a lot of it was me trying to justify my sinning. It was not until I truly experienced God, that I came to the conclusion that I have to just trust the Bible; do not try to overthink it, and accept it as the ultimate truth. As I continued driving, I started to contemplate that the most important verse in the bible may just be Genesis 1:x, “In the beginning God created…” everything. That is my cliff notes version of Genesis 1. If one does not believe that In the beginning God created everything the way the Bible says it happened then it opens the door to start questioning other parts of the Bible?
The Bible says Jesus was born of a virgin. If God can do that, then why is it hard to believe that God created the Heaven and the Earth in one 24 hour day, that the earth is only a few thousand years old, or that we are all descendants of Adam and Eve. Just because some scientist says the Earth is millions of years old or this is the Christmas star when two planets align, that does not make them true. If one doubts Genesis then why not doubt that Jesus was born of a virgin. One can not take parts of the Bible and do what they want with them. That is what many are doing today especially in regards to LBGTQ+ and what the Bible has to say about it. The Bible has to be taken as a whole, not a verse or part of a verse, and believed from beginning to end. I can say, as a sinner, I would have liked for God to have left out some of His WORDs to us, but he knew what was best and that is why they are there.
Today is New Year’s Day; Happy New Year by the way!!!
Many take some time to make resolutions about things they plan to do in the new year. I pray that everyone would add read the entire Bible to their resolution list for 2021. I plan to start the One Year Chronological Bible plan today. I have to admit it took me and Melinda a little over two years to complete it the first time, so if it takes you longer than a year just keep going; do not give up. I have been told it is easier to read the entire Bible if one has accountability buddies. If you would like to join me, you can add me as a friend by searching for Ed Newman (BigEd95) in the Bible app. You could also join Groups on Facebook that are reading through the bible this year. If you do not have time to read each day you can have the Bible App read to you or you could try the Daily Audio Bible app as another option to listen to the Bible this year. I just pray everyone will take some time each day to spend with Jesus in 2021. I believe it would make the world a much better place.
I can not say I agree with that professor about his 10-80-10 philosophy any more than I would agree that there are more than two genders. What I would agree with is that regardless of one’s acumen or IQ, we all die. When that happens each person will discover Heaven or Hell. I pray that for you it will be Heaven and not Hell. If you are unsure, please contact me or read and make a decision before it is too late. If there is anything that we should have learned from 2020 is that life can be very short.

Dear Jesus,
2020 was a year like no other I have ever experienced. I am not sure that 2021 will be any better, but I take comfort in You and the thought that all the chaos is leading up to the Father turning to You and saying “Son go get your bride.” What a glorious day that will be.
Jesus thank You that I still have a job, a roof over my head, and food on the table. I hear about so many that do not and as a result are stealing, drinking, or worst taking their own lives. LORD, please help us that believe in You to continue to tell others the GOSPEL until Your return.
In Your name, Jesus – AMEN