This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)
The last six months at work have been an adventure, to say the least. Over 190 staff were relocated to temporary workspaces in various locations. The work is almost complete and hopefully, everyone will be able to move back to their new workspace starting January 6th.

If you have ever built a new home you know about all the little things that come up as you move in. I am sure that we will have a few of those pop up here and there. In the meantime, my team and I are taking a much-needed break until the frenzy of moving everyone into their new workspace starts in January.
Brian and Megan are home for a few days to celebrate the Holidays. Melinda’s sister, mom, and nephew came by yesterday for a short Christmas celebration before sis and nephew took off for New Mexico. There will be more time with the family between now and Christmas. Overall Melinda is doing okay. She is still weak. She gets worn out quickly when she moves around too much. Each day is a blessing, some better than others, we just thank God for the time we have.
We are all looking forward to Christmas Eve service and worshiping the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. If you do not have a place to worship we would love for you to come worship with us at Lakeview Baptist Church starting at 5 PM on December 24th, 2019.