When I hear that someone has died, am I the only one who’s first thought is “I wonder if they knew Jesus”?
Why is it my heart aches at what is going on in our World today?
Are the events happening around the world today a part of the birth pains Jesus foretold in Mathew 24?
Why is it considered safe for someone to go to Wal-Mart, HomeDepot, SuperCuts, etc, but it is not considered safe for them to go to church?
Why is it a shop owner can’t open their business for fear of COVID-19, but it is okay for masses to demonstrate close together?
Why is it that so many, especially in the media, do not know how to distinguish between a protest and a riot?
Why do people like Oprah and Joel Olsten tell people there are many paths to get to God when Jesus clearly said “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”?
If someone calls themselves a Christian, yet that someone continues to willfully SIN (greed, depravity, deceit, malice, gossip, slander, pornography, homosexuality, lust, God-haters, idolatry, etc), as demonstrated by their actions (Titus 1:15-16) is that person truly a Christian or just stating a false expression of faith (1 Corinthians 15:1-2) and headed to Hell?
If I truly love someone, should I tell them what Jesus said about the road to Heaven is narrow and the road to Hell is wide and easy to travel? (Mathew 7:13-14)
Why am I called intolerant for quoting GOD’s word?
I perceive how some Bible verses can be interpreted differently but why do some denominations practice beliefs that are clearly not in the Bible?
If I take the following supplements, Quercetin from 250mg up to 1g twice per day, Vitamin D3, CoQ10 100-300mg per day, Vitamin C 250mg to 500mg twice per day, Zinc up to 40mg per day, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) – 600mg twice per day, Green Tea (Drink or pill) per day; Melatonin 0.1mg to 10mg at night, and sleep greater than 8 hours per night will it really help to protect my body from COVID-19?
Why do I feel guilty when I leave Melinda’s side?
GOD, why does Melinda have to suffer?

Over the past few months, my mind seems to be in overdrive, my emotions are all over the place from minute to minute, and the storms just seem to continue. I know the answer to almost all questions can be answered with, “because of SIN”. I take comfort in Psalm 46. Sometimes as I look around at the world God reminds me and/or shows me that my struggles could be worse. He sometimes reminds me of Job and his suffering other times he shows me the struggles of others which make ours seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It is at those times I stop and just praise him.
The past two weeks, Melinda has been getting a bit worse. I have been reading up on dementia/alzheimer’s. I don’t know if that is what she would be diagnosed as having. The symptoms she is exhibiting seem similar to those attributed to people with dementia/alzheimer’s. Each day is an adventure. I am anxious about the decisions that will have to be made if she continues on her current downward path. Only GOD knows and we leave that in his hands.
Heavenly Father,
I pray that your will will be down in Melinda’s life. I pray for guidance in decisions that must be made. I pray for those that have lost jobs and have no idea what their future will be. I praise you that I have a job, food to eat, and a roof over my head. Father, my heart aches for my family and friends that willfully SIN against you. Give me the courage and words to speak to them about you and the strength to remove any logs in my eyes (Mathew 7:5). GOD, please protect your children during these uncertain times and give them the abilities to help adopt more into the kingdom.
In Jesus’ name,