Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.
John 7:38, ESV
I woke up on Friday around 4 AM and heard the TV. I asked Melinda have you been up all night. She gave me an affirmative, YES. Before, I could ask why she said the catheter is really hurting. I checked it. It appeared to still be working, but when I touched it she groaned in pain. I asked her if she wanted to wait until a doctor was in or go to the emergency room. She said take me to the emergency room. I knew then it must be really bad. Melinda really dislikes going to an emergency room.
Off to Waco, we went. GOD was definitely with us. We arrived safely, checked in, and went straight back to see a doctor. The doctor said she may have a urinary tract infection (UTI) from the catheter, which was common. The nurse scanned her bladder and said it was empty so the catheter must be working. I told them the nurse on Wednesday had some difficulty installing the catheter. I asked if they could just replace it to see if it would help the pain. The doctor agreed and as soon as the nurse removed it Melinda’s pain went from a 10 to 3.
The nurse then prepared Melinda for a new catheter. As she finished installing it over 100Ml ran into the bag. She said well I guess the scanner did not pick that up. As she finished snapping the catheter hose into the leg holder she said I think I know what the problem may have been. The other catheter was not secured correctly in the holder. After she was done, we had to wait for the results of the test to see if she had an infection.
After two hours, no news but Melinda’s pain had dropped to a one. We were both ready to go home. Long story short around lunch they finally came in and said she did have a UTI. Melinda was discharged with a prescription for antibiotics. I took Melinda home and went to Temple to get them filled. She started taking the medication on Friday afternoon and will continue for several more days. The rest of the weekend was uneventful and Melinda got some much-needed rest.
Today, her parents came and picked her up for her Urology appointment and brought her to Waco, so I did not have to miss any work. I can’t thank them and my parents enough for helping out with Melinda during all of this.
I have never had a catheter and from what I have seen I never want one. Apparently, for women, catheters are painful when they sit up straight in a chair with one in. I found this out as Melinda had a lot of discomfort waiting in a chair for the Urologist. The nurse also confirmed this when I asked. When we finally got to see the Urologist, he explained this just happens after surgery and it can take 7 to 10 days for some bladders to start working again. He almost sounded like he wanted to leave the catheter in for a few more days, but we told him that she would like it removed now as she felt she could urinate.
He agreed and had his nurse remove the catheter, but not before she filled Melinda’s bladder with about 200ml of liquid. Praise the Lord, her bladder worked. I don’t think any of us have ever been so thankful for someone to pee. Urology sent us home with a few self catheters just in case the bladder was not fully awake and said they wanted to see her in a few weeks. After getting home Melinda went straight to the bathroom and went again, so it appears things a beginning to flow as normal.

The next challenge will be later this week when Melinda has her first round of Chemo in the new port. Please pray for safe travels and for the healing GOD can do with chemo.