And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth.
Revelation 6:8 (ESV)
I have not felt like writing in a while, but with everything that is happening around me, I feel the need. I have never enjoyed writing. Writing for me is a way to express and deal with my own fears, anxiety, and other emotions. As I sit here, I try to tell myself; you are not anxious, you are not worried, everything is a-okay.
Before I go any further, I should let you know that I don’t think that COVID-19 is being brought on by the horsemen of the apocalypse. I do believe it is giving us a glimpse of what is to come. This glimpse, my paranoia for conspiracy theories, and way too many “End-of-World Movies and TV shows” are pushing my mind into a state of over-stress.
Is this the beginning of the end? If stories about cities declaring an emergency over coronavirus that give the leaders of those cities the power to ban guns, stop the sale of ammo, seize property, stop alcohol sales, and more are true then it very well could be the end of United States as we know it.
I don’t know if half the stories I am seeing are true, but even a few of them are true it scares me. I have tried to stop watching all the coverage over COVID-19 because of it, but just like a bad car wreck, it is hard to not slow down and look. It also makes me wonder could these be the steps needed to allow the Antichrist and Satan to rule this world?

Today, Melinda and I were talking about how many people don’t know Jesus. Compound the thought of eternal fire, with people losing jobs, the uncertainty of this event as it plays out, no Toilet paper (still don’t understand), empty food shelves and too many negative stories and I get a heavy heart and tears. We thought that it might have just been better to continue as normal and let COVID-19 progress. Everyone has opinions about it but the stress and anxiety of the current situation can be seen everywhere and it can not be good for any of us.
Melinda and I both take comfort in knowing this is not our home. I don’t take any comfort in her pain, my pain, or the pain of anyone dealing with a disease (Cancer, COVID-19, Flu, etc). I continue to pray that she does not get the flu, COVID-19, or any other sickness while taking chemo as it could be fatal for her. I know some days she is ready to go. I can’t blame her as there are days I feel the same way. Then we remember the dilemma of Paul. In Philippians 1:23-24, Paul says, 23 I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; 24 but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. The LORD still has a plan for us both and we will remain in the body until it is complete.
We believe that plan is to live for him and tell family, friends, and strangers about Jesus. Jesus died for our sins, but more importantly, he rose from the dead. You can not go to his grave. His body is not there. He returned to Heaven to prepare a place for those that believe in him. You can count on this, Jesus is coming back. He tells us in Matthew 24:36-44 that no one, but the father knows when that time will be, but that we should be ready.
There are many signs and prophecies throughout the Bible; many have been fulfilled, some are yet to come. I do not know if COVID-19, Trump, or any other recent event is a part of the end times as described in the Bible and debated on-line. I do KNOW that each hour that passes we are all a little closer to the end than we were the hour before and that Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through him. (paraphrased – John 14:6).
Knowing Jesus is the only thing that helps me cope with anxiety, fear, and life. If you do not know Jesus, I can not fathom how empty your heart must feel, especially during troubled times like these. If you do not know him I would love to tell you all about him. He is my best friend.
Thank you, Jesus. Writing this brought back JOY to my heart. Please be with my wife. Comfort her in her pain. Please look after my children; let no harm come to them. Be with mine and Melinda’s parents; Be with other family members; Be with those I work with and their families; Be with those at Lakeview; Be with those in the US; Be with those in this world; please keep diseases like COVID-19 away from them until your time is right. Be with me and continue to remind me that through you everything will be alright.