Shortly after Easter, I logged into to write an update. That is when I made the mistake of noticing that this would be the 100th post to this blog. I have watched way too much TV in my life and the 100th episode got stuck in my head. I thought, wow, the 100th post. I should write something profound. All that did was give me writer’s block. I decided to just quit thinking about it and write, so good or bad here is the 100th post at BEMM.NET.
I, like many Americans, have been home now for weeks. I started on March 7th when I took off for Spring Break. During that week off it was decided telecommuting was in the best interest of our organization, so on March 16th, my telecommuting began. The biggest problem I have with telecommuting is stopping. I have always worked a lot of hours both in the office and when I got home, but it was always divided up with different scenery, some coffee breaks, short visits with co-workers, some drive time, etc. I never realized how much that helped me to keep work and home separated.
After almost six weeks, I am starting to adjust to telecommuting. I have tried to schedule some breaks and go outside. Megan has moved back home and she and I have some coffee break talks which have helped tremendously. I have Zoom meetings every day. It dawned on me that I have seen more of many co-workers each week over Zoom than I ever did in the office. I also have gotten much more comfortable turning on my camera and meeting virtually. Melinda normally awakes in the late morning, so I take a break, get her food, and help her get situated for the day. Then I continue to plug away. I am very grateful to have a job that for the most part can be done from anywhere that I have a computer and internet access. I know this is not the case for many Americans. I pray for them and thank them for going to work and keeping our supply chains moving.
Melinda had a chemo appointment yesterday. Before they will do chemo they need urine and blood analysis to make sure all is good. We got there and Melinda could not supply a urine sample. The nurse says it happens sometimes. They sent us home with a collection kit and we returned today with urine in hand, sorry for the pun. All analysis was good and she got another successful round of chemo. She does okay most days; others she is very weak. On those days when I look into her eyes, it is as if no one is there. I tell her I love and go somewhere else to cry. It is hard to watch anyone fighting a disease. I personally struggle with the decision by our officials to ban loved ones from visiting their families during this COVID-19 pandemic. I would think there is some way they could safely allow them into hospitals and nursing homes to visit them; especially when they are close to death. I just pray they know Jesus and in there finally moments someone is there with them.
This COVID-19 pandemic has been a blessing in some ways. I have even heard some say it is a reminder from GOD as to were or priorities should b. It has forced families to stop and spend time together. As one writer to the Temple Trib stated it is nice not seeing children playing organized sports on Sunday morning, maybe they will use the time to worship the FATHER. It has given me more time with Melinda and allowed me to check on her more easily. I believe it has had some stop and think about eternity as Bible’s have been flying off the shelves of many stores. COVID-19 will change our society for every. I do not believe things will ever go back to the way they were. I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing. I just know that our family takes comfort in knowing in the end, we win.
If you have followed this blog for any time now you know Melinda and I call ourselves Christians and Followers of Christ. I used to refer to many Christians as radical for speaking out Biblical views. I now know that is because I was not reading a Bible and they were. They were not RADICAL they just spoke the BIBLICAL TRUTH. As mentioned at the beginning, I thought about all kinds of things that I should write about in the 100th post including titles such as “The Rapture”, “Is COVID-19 the Beginning of the End”, “Armageddon”, “The Seven Seals”, “Left Behind”, “Where did everyone go?”, “We are not missing; We went Home” and “Are You Lost in COVID-19”.
I had started focusing on “We are not missing; We went Home” and began researching more about the rapture, end-time events, and the return of Jesus Christ. I now understand a little better as to why there are so many different churches and denominations. I have always believed in the rapture. I was surprised to learn there are many Christians that do not believe in the rapture and many more that are arguing over pre- vs post-tribulation rapture. All most all of them site Bible verses supporting their point of view; I perceive many of them to be valid arguments. When I started the research my goal was to write a post for those that had been left behind to find out what had happened and what they could do before it is too late. I have not given up on that plan but have but it on hold to develop a page on this site dedicated to assisting those that waited too long to make a decision for Christ. It also gives me more time to read and better understand events in regards to Revelation and the entire Bible. I pray that none of you reading this post would be left behind whether you believe in a rapture or not.

I decided the focus should always be on telling people that Jesus was sent from Heaven, Died on the Cross for our Sins, Was Raised from the Dead, ascended to Heaven, and that he is coming back. I was reminded of an Allen Parr video, I watched a while back. I would highly recommend adding THE BEAT by Allen Parr to your YouTube playlist.
Allen makes what I perceive to be a very valid point, as Christians, we need to be NARROW-MINDED. As I read the Bible more and more and take it as a whole and not a few words or verses out of context, GOD makes it very clear how he feels about things. For me, it solidifies that Bible reading Christians are not RADICAL they are BIBLICAL. If your views are worldly, start reading the Bible cover to cover and watch GOD change them to heavenly and narrow-minded as perceived by those of this world. I pray that you will have a Biblical narrow-minded view.
Through the last several weeks, I have learned reading scripture can help with frustration, anxiety, worry, fear, and anything else going on in your life. I highly recommend reading your Bible daily. Only God knows how this COVID-19 stuff will play out. I do believe the coronavirus is a part of the birth pains Jesus talks about in Mathew 24. If you have Amazon Prime, I would highly recommend you watch “The Coming Convergence“. The creators did a good job with the subject of Mathew 24 and many other prophecies in the Bible.
Here is something to think about. Israel became a nation in 1948. Scientists tell us the average lifetime (generation) of man is 80 to 120 years. Jesus said, Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Some believe that the generation Jesus was speaking of is the ones born in 1948 when Israel once again became a country. If you add 80 to 1948 you get 2028 and 120 to 1948 you get 2068. Some believe Jesus will return between those years. It is an interesting idea to ponder.
From reading the Bible, I do know this, Jesus will return like a thief in the night and we should keep watch and be sober. I know things are going to continue to get worse as the time for the LORD’s return nears. If you have doubts, I urge you to read the Bible for yourself cover to cover. I pray that I and my family are with Jesus before the worst of it arrives. I have been rereading Revelation. I pray you will make a decision to follow Christ and never experience the wrath that is to come.
If you made it this far you probably can tell my mind is all over the place. I am concerned about what will happen to our country, our great state of Texas, and the smaller towns and cities I work with through their school systems. I pray for the kids, the parents, the teachers, the administrators, the nurses, the doctors, the drivers, the cashiers, all the others in the supply chains, and the pastors. I am concerned that churches will have to close, many businesses may not reopen, and the US may enter a time that may be worse than the great depression. I do take some comfort in knowing that these events must occur to set the stage for the return of Jesus, our savior.
Please pray that the GOSPEL is shared with the world. Pray that people will hear the GOSPEL, accept the GOSPEL, and turn their lives over to Christ. If you are a Christian, read your Bible daily, take comfort in being Biblical narrow-minded, and remember in the END, we WIN.
We Love you and Pray for you daily.
Last random thought, please wear a mask in public. John 3:16 shows us God loved the world, so show some of that love to others by wearing a mask when it public. It may or may not help, but it does show you are trying to love others.