I was introduced to Babylon Bee over a year ago. The Babylon Bee is a conservative Christian news satire website that publishes satirical articles on topics including religion, politics, current events, and more. The above image is an example of one of their articles. Satire is usually based on some type of reality. After I added Babylon Bee to my Feedly reader, it quickly turned into a guessing game for me to try and decide if the story was true or a Babylon Bee satire. Unfortunately, I lose a few times a month as our society has turned so far away from God that some of the stories I see I just can’t believe they are not made up.
The satire article from Babylon Bee about Progressive Church Releases Statement of Doubt is one of those stories I had to stop and really think about as I believe some of today’s churches, especially one in Portland, Oregon, releasing a statement like that. It got me thinking. If I were in a church that did something like this what would I do? What would you do? Many churches and/or denominations today may not have a statement of doubt but they are adopting beliefs that I believe are clearly anti-Biblical.
As an example, just take a look at the United Methodist Church as an example. Isaac Simmons is the first openly gay man to be certified within the Illinois Great Rivers Conference and, as far as anyone can tell, the first drag queen certified in the United Methodist Church. What? As someone that grew up in a Methodist Church, I am at a loss for words to describe it. The LGBTQ+movement appears to be splitting the Methodist church. I would say that I do not understand it but I read the Bible. Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:10-13, “And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people. Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” These things must come before Christ can return. We just have to continue to pray and endure until that time.
When is it time to leave a church? That is a hard question to answer, but Google it and you will find a lot of opinionated answers to the question. Personally, I would hope one would not leave a church over sin, disagreements over secondary doctrinal issues (I refer to as fringes), disunity, or personal offenses. Unfortunately for me, in my immaturity, I have left churches over such issues. As I have matured, I believe that one should try and work out those issues with themselves and the church before considering leaving. There is really only one issue that I would say run, run fast, and do not look back and that would be if the church you are attending is not teaching and embracing the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ. I would include societal teachings that are not biblical such as homosexuality is not a sin; read Romans 1:18-32. I have been in and out of more churches than I can count in my lifetime. All churches have issues. You will not find a perfect church as they are all filled with sinners. Just like you might decide to find a different place to change the oil in your car, if you decide you are not happy with your church I would urge you to pray about it, continue to read your Bible daily, talk to church leaders, get more involved, and let the Holy Spirit guide you before you decide it is time to change churches.
Our world grows a little darker each day,
We know that you are in control,
Our hope is in your LORD,
We await your return,
Until then,
Keep us safe,
And help us to live as you did LORD, Jesus.