18 For I consider [from the standpoint of faith] that the sufferings of the present life are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us! – Romans 8:18 Amplified Bible
I keep having to remind myself that God is in control. We live in a fallen world of sin, suffering, and evil and that one day that will be no more. I wish I had Melinda’s child like faith that everything is going to be okay. She is so positive through all of this. For me, I pray, give it over to God, but then find my mind wondering which has been a real struggle for me this week.

Melinda had follow up appointments on Monday and Tuesday. I was glad I was able to attend those with her. The neurologist said her incision was healing well and she could fully wash her hair. Melinda was excited with this news. She kept telling me I don’t fully understand what it means to be able to use conditioner again. She is correct, I don’t understand. The oncologist said she was progressing well with the Chemo and he did not need to see her until the end of radiation treatments. The Radiologist said all her blood markers were excellent and to keep doing what ever she was doing. We believe the MMT diet is helping.
Thursday, Melinda noticed some hair starting to fall out. We had hoped she would not lose any. She is already being positive about it talking about possible hair styles or wigs.
Overall, I would say Melinda is doing great. We just keep counting down the days until she is done with radiation.
One amazing bit of news this week is that Melinda’s sister, Julie set up a GoFundMe campaign to help with the cost of the medical bills. When she told us about it we were floored as to the generous gifts others have given through it. So many people have given to us so much in so many ways, we can’t say enough THANK YOUs to everyone. I can say for me it was an answered prayer as finances are one of those things my mind keeps wondering towards.
We pray that you all have a blessed week.