That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.
2 Corinthians 4:16 (NLT)
Christmas is only ten days away. The majority of people around the world spend it with family and usually exchange gifts. I was recently reminded that one of the greatest gifts GOD gives us is another day. As Proverbs 27:1 tells us, it is not guaranteed. Every day there are thousands of obituaries listed online and in print papers around the world. Many of those describe a life that was taken too soon. As you gather with friends and family stop and appreciate the moments even when that one family member really annoys you. Remember, even though our bodies may not work as well as they used too we should thank GOD every day for another chance to spread the GOSPEL.
Melinda had another Avastin treatment this week. I am thankful her mom was able to take her. We are still waiting to hear from oncology about Temador in IV form. I suspect we will not hear anything until after the holidays. She has an MRI after Christmas. Praying it shows improvement. Melinda is still having some stomach issues, but she is at least eating. I have noticed that her Aphasia seems to be getting a little worse. Gratefully, I usually still have some idea as to what she means when for example she tells me to turn on the light and I know she means the fan.
GOD has truly blessed us. It is sometimes hard to see the beauty in current events, but I continue to try. Both kids are still working at their on-campus jobs but should be home towards the end of the week for Christmas. Megan is going to Brazil for two weeks as part of a mini semester study abroad course. We are praying for safe travels and that she enjoys herself while learning about businesses in a foreign country. Brian has one semester left before graduating with his Masters in MIS. He has already lined up a job in Houston. We are very joyful that both children are doing so well. God has blessed them both. The construction project at work is finally coming to an end. The new furniture is being installed and we are following the installers with everyone’s technology. We are praying we can finish before Christmas. This week will be a long one for the technology department. Please pray for all of us.
We pray that you appreciate the gifts God has given you and see every day as a blessing even when events occur that may not seem that way. Most importantly open your hearts to others and say “MERRY CHRISTMAS” to everyone you see as Jesus’s Birthday is just a few days away.