One day is never enough to say THANK YOU to the mothers that do so many things for us throughout our lives. It was a mother, named Mary, that brought our savior Jesus Christ into the world. Mary sacrificed much to make that happen. I can not imagine her struggle or the pain she experienced as she watched her son die on the cross for our sins.
Melinda has been blessed to become a mother twice, even after doctors told her, at a very young age of 14 when she found out she had endometriosis, that it would be very unlikely she would ever have children. Melinda has had many difficulties in this life but it has never stopped her from putting all her hopes and dreams on Jesus. Melinda’s greatest joy today is knowing that Brian and Megan walk with Jesus. We all will die someday, but for those that know Jesus, there is hope. Jesus conquered death and through him, you too can be reunited with the ones you love and all other believers in Heaven.

My grandmother went to be with Jesus in 2008. Yesterday, Melinda and I went to put some flowers on her grave. It was one of the hardest things I have done in a long time, because as we stood there I could see the sadness in her eyes as she looked around. It was unspoken that our time to be here is drawing nearer each day. I just looked at her and said, I can’t wait to see her when I get to Heaven. She smiled and said me too.
Happy Mother’s Day, Melinda.
Happy Mother’s Day, Mom (Barbara).
Happy Mother’s Day, Linda (Melinda’s Mom).
Dear Heavenly Father,
We lift up all mothers to you. We ask for your blessings on each and every mother on this day that we set aside to honor, all Mothers.
We pray that Moms today will take a moment to think of you LORD and the beautiful and gracious gift you allowed them to have.
We pray for those that took that gift and threw it away. We pray that if they now know you, that they can take comfort they are forgiven of all SINs.
We thank mothers for all the pain, suffering, and sacrifice of the time they gave to raise us in this fallen world.
We lift up those moms and children that may not have a good relationship with each other and ask that you work to heal it.
We ask LORD that you validate her worth daily so she has no reason to doubt that she is loved, valued, and cherished by you.
We pray that no matter what happens, that she knows you and encourages her children to know you as well.