You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
2 Corinthians 9:11

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States. We pray that it is a day that you stop and reflect on what Jesus has done in your life. I could write hundreds of pages of what Jesus has done for me, but instead, I will highlight just a few.
I am thankful for my family. God sent me a wonderful wife over 20 years ago. She has been my angel here on earth. Together, we have two wonderful children. They are our little angels, even during those times that they acted like little devils. (If you have children you understand). We are thankful for our parents, especially for staying together in a world that seems to take marriage as something that can just be easily dissolved when life gets tough.
I am thankful that through Melinda’s Cancer God has shown me that the glass can be half full and is not always half empty. She is still struggling with stomach issues from the Temador, but appears to be getting better each day. We met with Oncology yesterday and he mentioned that Temador may come in an IV form. We thought we had asked about that last time and were told no, but now he is researching it. We hope to hear back next Monday. If no IV Temador then he may try a new chemo pill that you take once every six weeks. We are just praying that they find something that works for Melinda.
I am thankful that I only have strep throat and not the flu. Yea, going to be sick over Thanksgiving. Just pray Melinda does not get it. We pray that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with you and your family.