2 Peter 1:5-10

It’s not an insurance plan

Depending on your path through life you may have come across someone that talked or preached about the need to know Jesus as a type of fire insurance against an eternity in hell. I can recall a few such sermons in my journey towards Jesus. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me“, so he is your only way to heaven instead of hell, but I think the analogy of fire insurance is a bad one.

First of all, what happens if someone does not pay the insurance premium each month or year? Yep, they lose it. Jesus paid it all on the cross. Once someone accepts that and allows the Holy Spirit to enter their heart their life should change. If it does not I wonder did the person really repent and is the person truly saved. As I understand it there are some denominations that believe you can lose your salvation. I do not believe this. I do mull over that they may believe this because the person in question was not truly saved as one does not see a change in them or any fruits of the spirit.

There are many that call themselves Christians today, yet no one sees any fruits of the spirit coming from them. Many Christians look just like their cultural non-believing brethren, the only difference is they call themselves Christian. I think this can be seen today as many so-called Christians go out and vote for the killing of unborn humans, vote to get rid of the second amendment, vote to end the electoral college, vote to defund the police, vote to allow the desecration of the flag of the United States of America, vote to open our borders to anyone, vote to end religious liberty, vote to not support Isreal, vote to remove parental rights, and vote to remove GOD from our country. I fear that these individuals do not truly know Jesus. If they did how could they vote for these things? I fear that I am directly related to some of these individuals and one day they will hear, “I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.” All I can do is continue to pray for them all.

Thank GOD, Melinda, Megan, and I were able to vote yesterday. We prayed for guidance and voted not for any individual, but for the ideas that more closely align with GOD’s word, which to be honest is getting harder and harder to find. I would recommend watching Who Would Jesus vote for? I pray the Holy Spirit will guide you to vote with wisdom and not just the hate of a person.

I did not see any hate yesterday as we rolled Melinda into the Salado Church of Christ to vote. Instead, we experienced a lot of love We had first gone to the Bell County Annex downtown to vote, but the line was wrapped around the front, the side, and all the way down the back of the building. We knew Melinda could not stay outside that long. We said a prayer and God guided us to Salado. We were greeted by an elderly woman that took us straight to the front of the line. God is so good. Melinda was able to get checked in and vote. It was not easy for her. She struggled to lift her good hand and press the touch screen hard enough to select the candidate she wanted, but she managed and then took her printed ballot to the scanner. It was also Megan’s first time to vote. We were both so proud of her. I can’t say THANK YOU enough to the judge and all the workers at the Salado Church of Christ. God truly blessed us by getting Melinda in and out so quickly.

Melinda is currently doing the max dose of Avastin every two weeks and hopefully starting this week will begin Temador treatments. According to the oncologist, Avastin only stops cancer from growing, it does not kill it; whereas the Temador is supposed to kill it. Please pray with us that this combo of chemo helps Melinda improve and does not make things worse. Pray that her stomach can handle the Temador better than the last time she tried it. Personally, I would love to be able to have a conversation with her again as she currently struggles to communicate most of the time with simple yes and no responses.

If your salvation was based on a “moment” you may have had years ago, or you had a fire insurance salvation, I would urge you to look at your life now. Do you read your Bible daily, do you worship with other believers, do you feel conviction when you watch secular TV/Movies, and hear an actor curse especially if they use GOD’s name in vain. I urge you to make sure that your salvation is real. Do you live each day for our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ? Is your heart filled with LOVE or HATE? Do you show any fruits of the spirit?

If you are not sure you are saved you can know for sure today.

LORD Jesus,
THANK YOU for dying on the cross for our sins, but most importantly rising again three days later so we can have eternal life. As we spend time with YOU each day in your WORD and in prayer, we ask that you give us the assurance of our relationship with YOU. We ask Holy Spirit that YOU, help us grow to know YOU all more each day and that we grow more like YOU each day through our attitudes and actions. We pray that all those that call themselves Christian vote as you would vote and most importantly that they truly know you. We do not want anyone to spend eternity in HELL.
In Your name LORD, Jesus we pray,

About the author

Jesus saved me from my sin!