Jesus looked at them and said, With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible
Matthew 19:26 NIV
I feel like I’ve been on a roller coaster for the last two weeks; going up and down. At work, we are going through a major remodel. We have had to relocate about 90 staff to temporary offices. The majority of the staff have handled it well, but a few may have had their cheese moved too far. If all goes as planned the remodel will all be complete by January.
Bill, Melinda’s father, has been having a lot of heart problems. Many of his arteries are heavily blocked. On the 5th of July, they put a stent into one of them. It appears to be holding up well. Overall, he is doing much better. Both kids are doing good, Brian is enjoying his internship this summer and Megan continues to work at the university and take summer classes.
During my last post, I gave an update on Melinda after the first treatment. Her stomach started to feel a little better, but then we had treatments two, three, and four on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. They have taken their toll on Melinda. She is very weak. Her stomach still aches but she is at least eating. I made sauteed scallops and mushrooms with fresh garlic for lunch today. Melinda ate it followed with some extra dark chocolate for dessert. It seems to be settling okay. Praying she can continue to eat, keep it down, and that her energy starts to return soon.
Over the next few weeks, we will visit her Oncologist to discuss future treatment options; as well as; Melinda will get another MRI for a follow-up visit with the Radiologist to see if the Cyberknife worked. We are praying that it did.

The picture above is of the mask they used to strap Melinda down to the table during the treatments. Each treatment was about an hour and every time she came out of the treatment you could see the mesh pattern on her face. The mask was really tight. I know Melinda is a much stronger person than I; I do not believe I could lay there strapped to a table like that for an hour without being sedated.
Melinda and I are still in good spirits. Life is a journey that we choose to travel with Jesus by our side. No matter what happens we know that he has us in his hands. If you do not know the love of Jesus we would be happy to tell you all about him and how he has changed our lives.
Praying that you too will join us in Heaven one day.