35 So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! 36 Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.
Hebrews 10:35-36 NLT
This has been a hard week for Melinda and I. We arrived at the hospital in Waco on Tuesday morning before 7 AM to check-in for day surgery to have the port put in. Melinda went back for surgery around 8:30 and was back in the room sometime after 10. The port surgery went great according to the surgeon; no complications. Melinda started drinking fluids and eating crackers as soon as she got back to recover; however, by 4:00 PM, she still could not urinate. They put in a catheter, sent us home and told us to go to the doctor’s office first thing in the morning to have it removed. I contacted oncology and informed them what had happened and that we would not be able to make it for chemo on Wednesday. They went ahead and rescheduled Melinda for Thursday.
We got to the doctor’s office at 8 AM on Wednesday where they removed the catheter. They told us to go home, for Melinda to drink lots of water, and if she had not urinated by noon to call them. At noon, I made the call. I told them she was bloated and swelling. They told me to bring her back in for another catheter. Back to Waco, we went. As soon as the new catheter was in she released over 2000 Ml. The surgeon told us she believed the issue to be a side effect of the anesthesia and she wanted Melinda to leave in the catheter until Monday. By Monday she believes all the anesthesia should be out of her system. On the way home, I called to reschedule chemo for next week.
Monday, Melinda will see a urologist. We are praying that all this is just a side effect of the anesthesia and that by Monday her bladder will be back to normal. I keep telling her I think GOD knew she was not ready for chemo so quickly after the port insertion. This bump in the road will give her body time to rest and the port incision time to heal.

Between this bump in the road, work, and life I have been reading Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, and Luke 8:4-15 about The Parable of the Sower. I pray that your seed will fall on good soil and not be eaten by birds, fall on the rocks, or amongst the thorns. If you don’t understand that I would love to talk to you about making sure you are planted in good soil and producing fruit for GOD.
Please pray that Melinda’s bladder will start working as it should and that the first round of Chemo treatments goes well for her.