Psalm 119:105

Preserving Memories as Time Passes On

Throughout my life, I’ve moved numerous times. With each move, I’ve carefully packed up my collection of yearbooks, spanning from Kindergarten starting at Troy ISD through my Senior year of High School which ended at Moody ISD. These 13 volumes have traveled with me across the years and miles, preserving memories of friends, teachers, and formative experiences.

I’m grateful to my parents for investing in these keepsakes. I recognize that many people don’t have the luxury of such complete collections, and I’ve treasured them for decades.

Now, having crossed the 50-year milestone, I find myself reflecting on the many possessions I’ve accumulated throughout my life. While these yearbooks hold tremendous sentimental value, they also occupy precious space in my home. I’ve made the decision to digitize my collection, creating scans that preserve these cherished memories without requiring physical storage. I’m also expanding this digital archive to include yearbooks from Melinda (Robinson ISD) and April (Sanford-Fritch ISD & Wayland Baptist University), adding even more historical richness to this collection.

The Fleeting Nature of Time

“What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” — James 4:14

Just this week, I learned of the passing of Coach Lamar Lewis from Moody High School. As I was scanning these yearbooks, I came across photos of him that brought back memories of his supportive nature and excellent teaching abilities. I remember his famous glass eye and how he would joke about leaving it on his desk to watch us when he stepped out. It feels strangely coincidental to discover his obituary during this very week when I’m immersed in preserving these memories.

Hour glass

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” — Psalm 90:12

Each week seems to bring news of another passing. Looking at my 1991 Moody High School yearbook, I counted 38 of us in that senior class—fewer than the 41 I had remembered. From our small class, I am aware of three have already departed this world: James Ray “Jamie” Hargrove (04-16-2002), Preston Wayne Newton (08-15-2018), and John M. Barron Sr. (John Slaughter) (Death 01-15-2013). I find myself hoping they knew Jesus before their passing. I know that in my own case, though I claimed to know Him during high school, I truly didn’t. The faces in these yearbooks remind me of many memories, some I struggle with as my mind is not as sharp as it used to be.

I regret that I’ve barely kept in touch with my classmates over the years. Time moves quickly, more quickly than we ever imagined when we were young, signing each other’s yearbooks as we talked about “staying in touch; then life happened…” These yearbooks now serve as both treasures and reminders of our mortality, of relationships formed and then lost to the passage of time. I do hope that all of those listed within the pages of each yearbook come to know Christ before they leave this world.

Sharing These Memories

I’m sharing these digital yearbooks for anyone who might find joy in revisiting these moments. Perhaps you’ll discover your own photo, message, or memory within these pages. If you were a classmate, teacher, or simply curious about this slice of history, I hope you enjoy browsing through them.

If you recognize yourself or others in these pages, I’d welcome hearing from you. While I haven’t maintained connections as I should have, perhaps these digital memories can serve as a bridge across the years. You can find me here, on Facebook, or Linkedin.

Browse the Digital Collection

Visit the “Our Yearbook Collections” page by clicking the link in the top navigation menu to explore all available yearbooks.

Class of 1991: Where Are They Now?

Below you’ll find a list of the Moody High School Class of 1991. Over the years, I’ve attempted to locate my former classmates through Facebook, LinkedIn, and other online platforms, but my information remains incomplete. If you recognize yourself or others on this list, or have any updates to share, please reach out so I can update this resource. My hope is that this digital collection might help reconnect our scattered class across the decades.

(Note: This list will include names from the 1991 yearbook, with any information I’ve been able to gather about current whereabouts or status. Names marked with an asterisk have sadly passed away.

Students Who Appeared as Juniors in 1990 But Not as Seniors in 1991: The following students were listed in the Moody ISD 1990 yearbook as juniors but do not appear in the 1991 yearbook’s senior class. They may have transferred schools, graduated early, or been omitted for other reasons. I still consider them a part of our 1991 class.

If you have information about anyone from our class or would like to reconnect, please use the contact form on this website or reach out via email. I’d welcome the opportunity to update this list and perhaps rebuild some of those connections lost to time.

Most importantly if you do not know Jesus it is never too late. I would love to talk with you about how he changed my life.

About the author

Jesus saved me from my sin!

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