This post highlights our engagement for those that are curious, but first I want to address some concerns. When I met April, I had no idea where things would end up, but I felt the Holy Spirit pushing us together. I have prayed a lot about our relationship over this year. I have questioned God many times are sure this is what you want me to do? Over and over God continues to show me in numerous ways, YES it is. I have no doubts God brought us together. Unfortunately, there may be some that do not agree or feel that we are moving too fast. The majority of those that knew Melinda and I knew God was in our marriage, but what many did not know is that Melinda and I were engaged less than six weeks after meeting each other. We were married five months after our engagement. If you get out of the way and let God be at the center of your life things have a way of working out even when they do not seem like it. Let me assure you GOD is at the center of my life. He is at the center of this engagement and God will continue to be at the center of this marriage. Do not worry about us, instead pray that we continue to keep God at the center of all things and we will do the same for you.
Over the last few months, I have asked April if she wanted an elaborate engagement. All she told me was her expectations were not too high, but hopefully, I could do better than walking into the room and saying something like, “Hey, you want to do this”! With that little bit of information, I prayed about it and let the Holy Spirit guide me. As I was walking around Mardel one day at lunch, the Spirit inspired me. Why not keep her guessing with several Biblically inspired attempts, so she would never know when the real proposal was coming.
I had already purchased an engagement ring with a cross on it. I felt like every attempt should be God-centered as well leading up to the actual proposal on day three. I searched for jewelry with Bible verses on them and made a plan to propose over our Spring Break travels.
Proposal One
Saturday, March 12th – West 7th Bridge, Fort Worth, TX
The first proposal was a little difficult as we were pressed for time and April could not understand why I wanted to go see the locks on the West 7th Bridge, but I was persistent as I had a plan. As we got close to the locks I knelt down and said, April. As she turned around she was shocked as I pulled a box out of my pocket along with a 3.5 note card on which I had written some notes including Psalm 56:9 – My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help. This I know: God is on my side! I read Psalm 56:9 to her and then said “Together with God by our side we can concur all”. I then said, “April, will… (as I opened the box) Nope, this must not be the right place as there are some beautiful earrings with Psalm 56:9 engraved on them in this box.” You will have to ask her how she felt.

Proposal Two
Sunday, March 13th – Waco Suspension Bridge (Kinda), Waco, TX
The second proposal did not go just as I had planned because I had not realized the suspension bridge is closed, so the proposal happened down by the river below the bridge on the riverwalk. This time April was expecting something she just was not sure if it was the real proposal or not. Just like before I got down on my knee and pulled out the same jewel box and a card. I read her Matthew 17:20 – “You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” I then said, “With God in control we can handle anything, April, will you… Nope, this does not appear to be the right place either, because there is a necklace in this box with Matthew 17:20 engraved on it and a mustard seed, but hey look we are getting closer to your hand?

Proposal Three
Sunday, March 13th – Lover’s Leap, Waco, TX
For the third proposal, we drove through Cameron Park to Lover’s Leap. I am not sure what all April was thinking at this point, but I think it might be something about I hope this is it or I may kill him. I once again got down on my knee and pulled out the card and jewel box. I read her Lamentations 3:22-23 – The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. I then looked at her and said, “When we marry I will be faithful to do my best to kiss you each morning, April, will you marry… Nope, this does not appear to be the right place either as there is a bracelet in this box with Lamentations 3:22-23 on it. Although, this bracelet is getting really close to your ring finger.” I have to note here a few people saw us and thought I had actually proposed and were congratulating us. April just said thanks instead of trying to explain it.

Proposal Four – The actual proposal
Monday, March 14th – Hermann Park’s Japanese Garden, Houston, TX
It was day three and we were in Houston to see Brian and Megan. According to the Internet, there are quite a few places in Texas to get engaged, and many mention Lover’s Leap and Houston’s Japanese Garden. I felt like the Japanese Garden would be a great place to propose as it ties in with my birthplace (Okinawa, Japan) and April’s time in Malaysia as a missionary. It was a bit of a risk as I have never been to Hermann Park even though I lived in Houston for a few years. I was worried it would end up like the Waco Suspension Bridge. Megan was going to try and scope it out for me ahead of time but the weather and work prevented her from getting there; there may also have been a little bit of a parking issue as parking down there was interesting. Anyway, it worked out better than I had hoped as April had no idea that this would be the place since I told her I had never been there and wanted to check it out before we meet the kids for dinner. She had in her mind I would propose in Fredricksburg.
It was a bit of a walk from where we parked to the Japanese Garden, but it gave us a chance to talk and experience the scenery of Hermann Park. It is a very beautiful park. When we made it to the Japanese Garden we walked around for a while. I was trying to find a place with no people. One of the advantages of going on a Monday is it was not very crowded. We found a small building and that is where I decided to propose. This time I got down on a knee and said, “In Genisus, God tells us it is not good for man to be alone and in Ecclesiastes, we are told two are better than one. April, I Love you, will you marry me!!!” I am guessing you know she said, YES.

That is how I proposed; several people asked me how I came up with the idea. That is easy, I did not; I give all the credit to the Holy Spirit. I can attest that a relationship with Jesus will change your life in ways that you can not imagine. I am on a path that I never expected, but as I look back I can tell God has always been there by my side from the moment I surrendered.
If you do not have a relationship with Jesus, what are you waiting for? I or April would love to tell you about our best friend, just ask us.