Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. – 1 Peter 3:9 (NIV)
Tomorrow it will be one week since Melinda finished her first round of treatments. Since then, she is has been struggling to sleep through the night and her stomach is still bothering her. She is still very positive just praying that her strength starts to return soon. Please pray with us for strength and healed tummy.
Melinda really wanted to see the kids so we made our way down to TAMU yesterday morning. We had a good time and were able to take the kids out to Road House before heading back home. It wore her out and she slept all the way home. I jokingly told her maybe we need to ride her around in a car like a newborn so she could get some sleep. She did not think that was funny.

If you are wondering about the verse above it is a reminder to Melinda and I that we should pray for those that cause us discomfort. This past week a few folks crossing our paths defiantly needed some blessings. I must say that for me it is easier said than done. I really struggle not getting upset; especially driving I-35. It has helped me to but people on our prayer list that I would have never thought I would pray for. It has taken some time but I look at those people differently now.
I could go on and on, but will close with this. The next time someone has done you wrong or is gossiping about you, instead of getting even or gossiping back, just pray for them. I know it is not easy, it is not natural, and I fail at it most days (I-35), but you never know what God has planed for that person and your prayer might be the difference in that person’s life.
May God Bless you and your family and those that have wronged you and others.