Genesis 1:1

What matters?

Have you ever just stopped and spent some time thinking about what really matters? Over the past few months, I have. For me, everything the media is airing does not matter; everything the politicians are saying does not matter; everything mouth breathers are spewing from their lips does not matter. For me, what matters is the WORD. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” – John 1:1 NKJV

I am sure my parents can attest to the fact that I was a strong-willed and curious child. (PS: Sorry Mom & Dad for all the stuff I broke by taking it apart to see how it worked) If I was told I could not or should not do something, I would strive to do it. Many times to my own psychological trauma, like in the 5th grade when two girls told me I could not read the book, “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret“. Another time was in a high school science class when Mrs. McGregor said something like “We are skipping the chapter on evolution. I do not believe in it. If you want to read it feel free, but I will not teach it.” I would guess that in today’s culture, she would be terminated for such comments and skipping of the curriculum, but looking back I am thankful for her standing strong in her beliefs. You may have already guessed, that for someone like me, her comments motivated me to go home and read the chapter on evolution that night.

The theory of evolution is based on the idea that all species are related and gradually change over time. Natural selection is the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. Charles Darwin used the phrase, “Survival of the fittest” in his book, “On the Origin of Species” as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection. What I do not understand is why COVID-19 death rates matter to anyone that believes in evolution? If COVID-19 mutated from bats in a food market (Leviticus 11:11-19 – Don’t eat bats), then started to attack and kill homo sapiens that are more susceptible to disease, isn’t COVID-19 just a part of the natural selection process? Why are evolutionists upset and trying to stop natural selection?

Whether Christian, evolutionists or anything else, I believe that GOD embedded in the subconscious of humanity a desire to worship him along with an inherent empathy for others among other things. In my opinion, this is why the mortality rate with COVID-19 matters to the majority of people; even those that suppress their subconscious to follow their own desires (Romans 1:24).

I have struggled with evolution vs creationism for years. My belief in theistic evolution was a result of trying to make the Bible align with the scientific ideas of this world. This has always bothered me. It was not until I watched “Is Genesis History?” and “Genesis: Paradise Lost“, that my struggles dissipated. These two documentaries clarified the science I had learned with the Biblical truth. I became a firm believer in young-earth creationism (YEC). YEC aligns with the accounts of Genesis 1 & 2 in the Bible. You may be thinking why does this any of this matter?

It matters because when one starts to use the scientific history of evolution to interpret the first two chapters of the Bible they will inevitably use that same logic to interpret other parts of the Bible. I know for me that is why I questioned the majority of the Bible for years. After all, if one has doubts about the beginning of the book, it makes it much easier to doubt other chapters and the ending of the book.

I surmise that this may be why many in our world believe the Bible is not the WORD of GOD, is a fictitious book, or worse, that the events described in the book of Revelation are pure fiction. This prevailing attitude towards the Bible has led many to believe that verses like Revelation 21:8, Proverbs 6:12-19, Galatians 5:19, Matthew 19:8-9, and Romans 1:28-32 are of no consequence. In my opinion, this can be seen in movements like LBGTQPB happening around the world. The P&B added on to LBGTQ stands for (Pedophilia) and (Beastiality). Like others, I believe P & B are the next-in-line to be pushed as socially acceptable as more and more people move away from GOD, JESUS, and the HOLY SPIRIT. The question we should be asking, is “If someone calling themselves a Christian chooses to actively live in SIN in direct opposition to the WORD, then do they know Christ”?

37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. – Matthew 24:37-39

It matters what we believe.

Let’s say I believe I can fly so I jump out of a plane with no parachute. For a short time, I feel as if I am flying when in actuality I am falling. As I see the ground quickly approaching, I start flapping my arms to no avail. At what moment before I hit the ground do I realize that my belief was not reality. I believe the majority of our world is falling. We all have a parachute out of Hell in Jesus Christ. We just have to pull the proverbial cord and accept the grace that Jesus offers. Jesus tells a parable of workers in a vineyard in Matthew. Basically, it does not matter if you are 15, 50, or 100 years old you can still pull the proverbial cord and ask Jesus into your heart and forgiveness of your sin. No one can pull that proverbial cord for you, you must do it before you die or fall into Hell, so yes it matters.

  • It matters if one chooses to believe the truth of the Bible.
  • It matters if one chooses to believe that there are many paths to GOD.
  • It matters if one chooses to believe that Jesus was just a man and will not return.
  • It matters if one chooses to believe abortions are only the killing of cells and not the murder of innocent life.
  • It matters if one chooses to believe that GOD is okay with them living in SIN.
  • It matters if one chooses to believe that Satan and Hell do not exist.
  • It matters if one chooses to believe…. the list can go on and on.

There is only one thing that TRULY matters; DO YOU KNOW JESUS AS YOUR PERSONAL LORD AND SAVIOR? My hypothesis is, “If everyone truly knew Jesus, made him the LORD of their lives and lived as the Bible tells us; then everyone would view the world through the eyes of the Holy Spirit and the devil would not be able to use ethnicity, race, financial status, abortions or anything else to divide us”. The simplistic way to put it is…

“If everyone believed in the WORD then what matters would take care of itself.”

What matters to me most is my relationship with GOD. I seem to mess that up almost daily, but instead of trying to justify my SIN, I do my best to own it, try not to repeat it, and ask for forgiveness. Prior to submitting to Jesus, I called myself a Christian but lived in SIN. I fear that many calling themselves Christians may not truly know Christ as I have no doubts if I had died I would have heard Jesus say, …‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’. I believe it matters as you can not live in SIN and serve two masters. It matters that my children follow Jesus and don’t actively live in SIN, but they have to pull that proverbial cord. I can not do it for them as much as any parent wants to for the salvation of their children. It matters that as Melinda battles cancer that her faith in GOD shows through for all to see. It matters that if everyone would just believe in the WORD and submit to Jesus then WHAT MATTERS would take care of itself.

Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord. – Hebrews 12:14

The past few weeks/months have been hard on your children. From the loss of jobs, to the stock market crash, to the fear of COVID-19, to perceived injustices many of your children have gotten angrier and turned farther from you, FATHER, doing the bidding of the Evil One. They seem to take so much joy in destroying property, hurting others, and openly sinning. Just as your heart hurts, ours hurts with you. Many scream for justice, but if they only knew that what they need is your GRACE, for if they pass from this world without it, they will receive your justice. My heart aches at that thought; an eternal lake of fire. I long for the day that we will join you. I think those days may be nearer than we think, as it seems to be worse now than in the days of Noah.

I know that Melinda is in your hands and you know exactly what is going on with her. I thank you that she appears to be doing a little better. I do not know if it is the stopping of chemo or the new pills, but thank you for her improvement. I thank you for the physical therapist that have shown us things to do to help her build strength and work on balance. Although we know it causes her pain, LORD please help her to continue to push through the PT. Be with the oncologist’s decision to wait on any more treatments for a while. LORD, please use this time to strengthen her body. ELOAH, we lift Brian up to you, help him recover from his illness. YAHWEH, please guide Megan in the decisions she needs to make about school and career. EMMANUEL, please look after all the educators trying to prepare for the start of school in the middle of rising COVID-19 infections and give the parents wisdom in decisions about their children returning to school or staying home. Be with our leaders as they try to balance decisions during a pandemic. LORD, most importantly open the hearts of people to know what really matters.
In the name of JESUS,

About the author

Jesus saved me from my sin!